Happy summer!
It's been a pleasure teaching you all this semester! I'm sad our in-person discussions were cut short but I also enjoyed getting to know a few of you a little better through the Zoom meetings. I hope you all learned some things from this class and please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you ever wanna talk about IB, bugs, sustainability, entrepreneurship, grad school, or life in general. Stay safe and have a wonderful summer!!
Coronavirus tracking
If you'd like to help contribute to tracking the prevalence of COVID-19, please answer the 6 short questions on this website.
Since we don't have enough tests to confirm cases, this site was created by my father and two brothers to help supplement the data coming from hospitals. Combining confirmed cases from hospitals with community-collected data from healthy and sick people provides a better overall idea of how many people are actually infected.
It takes less than a minute to answer these questions. I encourage you to share this with others and continue to revisit and answer these every day so that we can have better data and understanding of when it is safe to open up the economy!
attendance | Participation | Case studies [20%]
Since moving to online, your attendance and participation will be graded based on case studies for Chapters 7, 8, and 9. Each case study is worth 2 attendance grades for a total of 21 days.
If you do not complete the case studies, you will not receive credit. You have until Friday, May 8 by 11:59pm to turn in the case studies on iCollege.
quizzes [20%]
One quiz per chapter for a total of 9 quizzes. The lowest quiz will be dropped for a total of 8 graded quizzes. No make-ups for quizzes, missed quizzes are graded zero.
You can access your quizzes by clicking Assessments > Quizzes > Click the chapter > Click on the “Attempt”
Y’all, don’t cheat. If you do, you’re only hurting your own integrity and education.
Final exam [25%]
Your final exam will be taken on iCollege, just like your quizzes. You will have 3 days ***UPDATED DATES*** to complete the final exam: Wednesday, April 29, 8:00 am – Friday, May 1, 8:00 pm.
2.5 hours, 15 min grace period
50 multiple choice questions (Chapter 6, 7, 8, and 9)
5 questions per page, cannot return to a previous page
Y’all, don’t cheat. If you do, you’re only hurting your own integrity and education.
The final exam is an individual activity. Unauthorized collaboration or getting assistance from someone (a classmate, friend, etc.) is not permitted when taking the final exam. All university and college regulations concerning academic honesty apply. Students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The university assumes as a minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts.
Lack of knowledge of the contents of the University Policy on Academic Honesty is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty.
ctw paper [25%]
See documents in the “CTW Paper Resources” module on iCollege.
Feedback on your drafts can be found by clicking on your submission in the Assignments folder on iCollege. Kristi has re-uploaded a document with her feedback via track changes.
Final draft is due Sunday, April 19 by 11:59pm on iCollege.
country presentation [10%]
This presentation will relate to the country you are assigned (posted on iCollege). You will NOT present your CTW paper. Please include the following information:
Where your country is located
Major events (related to international business) involving your country in 2020
Would you want to travel to this country? Why or why not?
At least three (3) interesting things you learned about your country
This information can be presented through powerpoint, YouTube, song, rap, drawings, claymation video, whatever! You’re stuck in quarantine, so get creative!
If you are creating a video or some other format that cannot be easily uploaded to iCollege, feel free to email me the link or document to access it.
Due Sunday, April 26 by 11:59pm on iCollege.