
Current courses (Spring 2025)

ENVS 350F: STEP Food Systems
9:30am - 12:15pm
LSC, SES 218

ENVS 336/436: Design for Circular and Sustainable Business
6:30pm - 9:30pm
LSC, SES 111

Email: sku@luc.edu
If you email me and I don’t respond within 24 hours, please send me a follow-up email. I promise I’m not ignoring you; my inbox just gets crazy. It’s likely that I either didn’t see it, saw it but wasn’t able to respond at the time, or meant to respond and something distracted me. I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding, so please help me by emailing me again.

Office: SES building, BVM Hall, 4th floor, Room 417

Student hours: I will be in my office every Wednesday between 2:00-4:00pm for students to drop by, ask questions, hang out, drink kombucha, check out some bugs, etc. This time is specifically dedicated for y’all so leverage them! If you ever want to meet outside of these days/times, please email me to schedule an appointment to meet in-person or via Zoom.

Upcoming courses

Fall 2025

  • ENVS 333/433: Introduction to the Circular Economy
    Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30pm, LSC

  • ENVS 363: Sustainable Business Management
    Tues/Thus, 1:00-2:15pm, WTC

A little bit about me

Past courses

Fall 2024

  • ENVS 363: Sustainable Business Management
    32 undergraduates

  • ENVS 333/433: Introduction to the Circular Economy
    15 undergraduates + 9 graduates = 24 total

  • ENVS 391C: Independent Environmental Research (Capstone)
    1 undergraduate

Spring 2024

  • ENVS 336/436: Design for Circular and Sustainable Business
    12 undergraduates + 6 graduates = 18 total

  • ENVS 363/436: Sustainable Business Management
    28 undergraduates + 6 graduates = 34 total

  • ENVS 391C: Independent Environmental Research (Capstone)
    1 undergraduate

Fall 2023

  • ENVS 363: Sustainable Business Management
    26 undergraduates

  • ENVS 333/433: Introduction to the Circular Economy
    11 undergraduates + 17 graduates = 28 total

Spring 2023

  • ENVS 363/463: Sustainable Business Management
    20 undergraduates + 3 graduates = 23 total

  • ENVS 336/436: Design for Circular and Sustainable Business
    19 undergraduates + 7 graduates = 26 total

FALL 2022

  • ENVS 363/463: Sustainable Business Management
    25 undergraduates + 12 graduates = 37 total

  • ENVS 333/433: Introduction to the Circular Economy
    9 undergraduates + 7 graduates = 16 total

Spring 2020

  • BUSA 3000: Globalization and Business Practices (Georgia State University)
    45 undergraduates

Syllabi examples

I’m big on transparency and sharing information! So I share these syllabi to help anyone who is looking for them. Please see the categories below to view the purpose of me sharing these syllabi.

Audience: Fellow educators
I share these syllabi as examples of how they can be formatted outside of the traditional 10-pg word document. Hopefully these inspire you to create your own types of syllabi that make it easier for students to find information and allow you to be clear with your expectations. While I don’t claim that these are the best designs, I do receive consistent student feedback that this format allows them to find all the information they need and it certainly helps reduce my need to repeat things. I also really love the control that this type of platform gives me so that I can update things in real-time and students don’t have to download the correct version when things change. Feel free to use these designs, rubrics, schedules, etc. as templates for yourself. As somebody with a business background, capitalism tells me that I should somehow try to monetize this information and / or protect my intellectual property. I think that’s silly; I joined academia to share knowledge and resources, not hoard them. So if you do decide to use these, I’d be flattered! Please let me know by reaching out with any questions / comments :)

Audience: Students
I share these syllabi so that you can see what to expect if you decide to take one of my classes. These examples may or may not reflect exactly how things will be done if you take my class as I often make adjustments. However, these can help give you an idea of how I structure and run my classes (e.g., policies, assignments, grading, schedule). Feel free to reach out if you have any questions / comments!

4.9 / 5.0 Overall Quality

100% would take again
2.3/ 5.0 Level of Difficulty

Based on 33 ratings on RateMyProfessors.com

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