
Course Name

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Welcome to Sustainable Business Management!

I’m excited to teach you!

In this course, you will learn about sustainability in business. We’ll discuss what it is, how it’s relevant to you and your major, and how to evaluate various functioning areas in business. A main goal of this course is for you to learn how to identify challenges and opportunities to incorporate sustainability into business management and practices. Please peruse this website to get all the information you need for class. I will post class updates here, so please bookmark this site.

SEMESTER: spring 2023

COURSE: ENVS 363/463

DATE AND TIME: Tuesdays and thursdays, 1:00pm - 2:15pm

LOCATION: shreiber center - ROom 302 [water tower campus]


Professor: Sarah Ku [she|her|hers]

Email: sku@luc.edu ***Please EMAIL DIRECTLY*** Do NOT use Sakai

Office: Lakeshore campus: SES building, BVM Hall, 4th floor, Room 417;
Water Tower campus: Schreiber building, 7th floor, Room 707

Office phone: +1-773-508-2404

Student hours: I will be in my Lakeshore office (SES building, BVM Hall, Room 417) every Tuesday between 5:00-6:00pm. I will be in my Water Tower office (Schreiber building, Room 707) every Thursday between 3:00-4:00pm. If you ever want to meet outside of these days/times, please email me to schedule an appointment to meet in-person or via Zoom.

A little bit about me

My teaching philosophy focuses on cooperative, collaborative relationship-building through mentorship, guidance, encouragement, inspiration, and support. I feel that providing a comfortable environment stimulates participation and engagement. Therefore, I design my courses by prioritizing the development of both hard and soft skills to help y’all be successful in life, not just in the classroom. I foster active discussions and critical thinking through sharing my own experiences and cultivating you all to share your experiences as well. I look forward to getting to know each of you!

Why take my class?

Below are some student testimonials that may give you a better idea about my teaching style to see if it matches your learning style.

  • Many students are in school in order to get a better job and make more money. The reason I ask you all your goals is so that I can design class to help you develop both hard and soft skills to help you reach your goals. Soft skills are important not only for career development but for life in general. I want to help you all succeed in life, no matter where your future takes you. Therefore, the activities we do in class are designed to help you learn the course content as well as develop the soft skills that are important for professional and personal development.

  • This course offers an introduction to the emerging field of sustainability in business and the growing focus on the economic, environmental, and social performance of businesses. The course presents scientific, ethical, and business cases for adopting sustainability. This course fulfills an MGMT elective.

    Enrollment Prerequisites: ENVS 137 or UCSF 137 or MGMT 201 for Quinlan School of Business students.

  • By the end of this course, you should be able to:

    1. Understand the dimensions of sustainability

    2. Understand economics for sustainability

    3. Understand the tools and techniques to apply sustainability in each functional area of the business

  • The central theme of this course will be the study and evaluation of sustainability in business environments. The primary teaching tools are lectures, class discussions, videos, speakers, quizzes, and projects (both individual and team). You are expected to read, watch, and listen to the designated material and all other assigned content before class. Please note that I video record class lectures and post them on this website to improve accessibility. Offering these recordings is done with the understanding and trust that they will not be used in any way against me or students whose classroom comments are recorded.

  • Access to the internet

    Access to software


    Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint

    Adobe Acrobat


    Tech support: ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu or 773-508-4487

    I will provide links/files to articles, readings, videos, audios, etc. on this website

  • This syllabus is subject to change based on the needs of this class.

    You are expected to attend class, come prepared, and participate to maximize your learning. I am here to help you learn and am likewise responsible for coming to class prepared to accomplish the objectives listed in this syllabus.

    Be punctual for class. When you are tardy, you miss important course announcements and disrupt the learning process for others. If you do arrive late or must leave early, please do so quietly and respectfully.

    If you cannot attend class or are late, you are only doing a disservice to yourself. College is about preparing you for life. Time management and prioritization are important skills to learn. You pay to take this class! Therefore, if you do not attend, you voluntarily forfeit the opportunity to participate in activities and discussions. You are responsible for the material you miss. If you know in advance that you will be late or absent from class, please email me to let me know. Your employer would require notice upon missing or being late to work; I expect to receive the same courtesy. Likewise, I will provide as much notice as possible if I need to cancel class or move it online.

    Complete all assignments on time. If you fail to meet deadlines, you will not receive full credit.

    Be courteous and respectful to me and to your fellow students. Put away cell phones and other distractions. If you choose to use a laptop in class, please sit in the back row so that your screen activity does not distract other students. This class is designed to benefit you, so take advantage and engage!

    While I encourage you to participate in class discussions and team activities, I understand that students absorb knowledge in various ways. I intentionally provide content through a variety of outlets (e.g., reading, videos, audios, activities) to be inclusive of different learning styles. I will regularly solicit your feedback to better provide knowledge and content in ways that work for you.

    I will treat you all with respect, courtesy, and empathy. I ask that you treat me and each other the same way. Bullying and all forms of harassment will not be tolerated. Please reach out to me if you feel that you are a subject of any form of bullying or harassment, whether it occurs in our classroom or elsewhere. 

    You may eat in class as long as you are quiet, not disruptive, and you clean up after yourself. I may bring food for you all during the semester. Please let me know if you have any allergies or concerns and please don’t sue me for sharing food in good faith.

    Ask questions and have fun!

  • Addressing one another by using appropriate names and gender pronouns honors and affirms individuals of all gender identities and gender expressions. Misgendering and heteronormative language excludes the experiences of individuals whose identities may not fit the gender binary, and/or who may not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth.

    If you wish, please share your pronouns with me and the class when you introduce yourself. If you do not wish to be called by the name that appears in the Loyola system, please let me know. My goal is to create inclusive and affirming environments for all students.

    If you feel comfortable, please also share any other concerns with me that relate to how you learn and how you are feeling in class. I cannot guarantee that our classroom will feel like a safe space to you. But I promise to try my best to make everyone feel included, heard, and valued to facilitate a safe and comfortable environment.

    Please also reach out to the Student Accessibility Center (SAC) and Wellness Center to leverage their resources. All clickable links on this webpage are both a maroon color and also underlined in case colors are difficult to differentiate.

    I encourage you to step out and/or let me know (directly or anonymously) if I say or do something that you don’t like. I also know that it might be triggering or uncomfortable to bring things to my attention, so I don’t want to retraumatize and sacrifice your well being for my growth. I will try my best to read the room, seek continuous feedback, and continue learning how to create a comfortable, safe, and nurturing environment.

    However, I ask you all to recognize and understand that my job as an educator is to encourage you to explore outside your comfort zones. When I ask questions and facilitate (sometimes tough) discussions, I do so to help you practice navigating topics and scenarios to help you develop professionally and personally. But I am human; I will make mistakes. What I hope to model is not someone who tries to mess up but rather someone who is willing to mess up for the sake of growth. I don’t know everything and I won’t execute class perfectly every time. Please give me the same amount of grace as you would like me to give you.

  • During the year, if you find that health problems, life stressors or emotional difficulties are interfering with your academic or personal success, and you are therefore finding it difficult to cope or to complete your academic work, please consider contacting the Wellness Center. I am happy to help talk through some challenges, but I am not a trained counselor, therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. I want to make sure that you are able to get qualified, trained help to serve you in the best ways possible. Just as I want you all to practice self care and what is best for you, I must also practice this and be mindful and respectful of my own boundaries. Healthcare services, crisis intervention, time-limited individual counseling, and group therapies are free of charge, and strictly confidential, having nothing to do with your educational records. You may also call 773-508-2530 for counseling appointments or 773-508-8883 to speak with a nurse about medical concerns.

    If your medical or mental health condition requires ongoing academic accommodations, please register with the Student Accessibility Center (SAC). Loyola University Chicago provides reasonable accommodations for students. Any student requesting accommodations related to a disability or other condition is required to register with Student Accessibility Center (SAC), located in Sullivan Center, Suite 117. Professors receive the accommodation notification from SAC via Accommodate. I encourage you to meet with me individually in order to discuss your accommodations. All information will remain confidential, and I will ask for your permission before including anyone else for additional support. For more information about registering with SAC or questions about accommodations, please contact SAC at 773-508-3700 or SAC@luc.edu. Please also refer to the Center for Student Assistance and Advocacy for academic, food, housing, financial and other resources that may be available to you.


    Wellness Center

    Student Accessibility Center

    Ethic Hotline - Phone: 885.603.6988

    Sakai support

    Library - Subject specialist: http://libraries.luc.edu/specialists 

    Writing Center

    Technology support - 773-508-4487; helpdesk@luc.edu

    Center for Tutoring and Academic Excellence

    Loyola Bookstore

    Financial Aid

  • I acknowledge that our university resides on the native homelands of the Indigenous people of the Odawa, Potawatomi, and Ojibwe nations, who joined together into the Council of Three Fires. Along with several other tribes, I know that their lives and livelihoods were destroyed in part by the historical events of displacement, conquest, and dehumanization leading up to the establishment of Chicago and Illinois.

    I want to remember and honor what was lost, acknowledge how I directly benefit from other people’s pain and loss, and uplift the fortitude and resilience of Indigenous communities surviving and thriving today. I recognize their continued connection to this region and give thanks to them for allowing us to live, work, and learn on their traditional homelands. I offer my respect to their communities and to all Indigenous people, past, present and future.

  • All students must follow Loyola’s academic integrity standards. You are all responsible for reading and following these standards and regulations. Failing to meet these standards is a serious violation of personal honesty and the academic ideals that bind Loyola as a learning community. These standards apply to both individual and team assignments. Individuals working in a team may be held responsible if one of the team members has violated one or more of these standards. Ignorance of these standards is not acceptable justification for violating them.

    All students shall refrain from academic dishonesty and misconduct in all forms, including plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation, fabrication, and falsehood. Plagiarism or cheating on the part of the student in individual or group academic work or in examination behavior will result minimally in the instructor assigning the grade of “F” for the assignment or examination.  In addition, all instances of academic dishonesty must be reported to the chairperson of the department involved.

    Further information about expectations for academic integrity and sanctions for violations can be found in the Quinlan School of Business Honor Code and Statement of Academic Integrity.

  • A+ = 98–100
    A   = 94–97.99
    A-  = 90–93.99
    B+ = 87–89.99
    B   = 84–86.99
    B-  = 80–83.99
    C+ = 77–79.99
    C   = 74–76.99
    C-  = 70–73.99
    [Anything below a C- is considered not passing]
    D+ = 67–69.99
    D   = 64–66.99
    D-  = 60–63.99F < 60

  • No late work will be accepted. If you are late and unreliable in a job, you will be fired. Consequences exist in school, too. Please take responsibility for your actions and do not ask for exceptions to this policy. Welcome to college and the real world! 

    That being said, I am not unreasonable. I recognize that we are living in uncertain times with multiple economic, environmental, social, and health concerns that are beyond our control. I will work with you on a case-by-case basis as needed.

  • You are expected to be proficient in the use of Sakai. Sakai is the learning management system (LMS) that will be used for your online course. Specifically, you should be able to:

    Read, upload, and download files

    Read and send e-mail messages

    Read and post messages on the discussion board

    Hold chat room discussions

    If you are unfamiliar with Sakai, a good place to start is: https://www.luc.edu/its/itrs/teachingwithtechnology/sakai/. Please refer to this website for log-in instructions if you are new to Sakai. You are expected to check Sakai daily for any changes, updates, and announcements. You are responsible for accessing and downloading all files needed. IT support and/or Sakai experts (not me) are responsible for assisting you with any problems related to Sakai. If you have any problems downloading or viewing files of any type or size from Sakai, please use the resources listed below:

    Accessibility issueshttps://www.luc.edu/sac/accessibilityguidelines/sakaiaccessibility/

    Sakai supportsakai@luc.edu 

    Technology support773-508-4487helpdesk@luc.eduLUC.edu/its

Introduce yourself

Please only answer these questions if you feel comfortable sharing with me and the class. I know we don’t know each other yet and have not built any trust. The purpose of asking these questions is not to probe into your life but to try to get to know you so that I can relate course content to what interests you. I have no interest in talking at you, I want to talk with you. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing, please just write “Pass”. This survey is not graded; your answers will not count against you. Please watch my introduction video to learn some things about me to facilitate mutual sharing!

evaluations | feedback

Your constructive assessment of this course plays an indispensable role in shaping education at Loyola University Chicago. Upon completing this course, please take time to fill out a course evaluation through Loyola as well as on RateMyProfessor. I can’t improve my teaching without knowing what I’m doing wrong and what I’m doing right, so I will ask for your feedback throughout the semester.

Evaluation Criteria


Category % Description Due dates
Quizzes 25% 11 total, lowest will be dropped Every Tuesday in class
Individual project 35% Research and analyze a business See Individual Project section below
Individual project presentation 10% Share individual project with the class In class on 04/18 and 04/20
Team 2-pg executive summary 10% Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge 02/27 (Submit through Abrams AND in Sakai)
Team 3-min video pitch 10% Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge 02/27 (Submit through Abrams AND in Sakai)
Team member evaluation 5% Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge 2/28 (Submit through Sakai)
Reflections 2.5% Beginning and end of semester reflections Final exam period
Instructor evaluation 2.5% You get the grade of the percentage of completed evaluations Final exam period


Category % Description Due dates
Quizzes 25% 11 total, lowest will be dropped Every Tuesday in class
Individual project 25% Research and analyze a business See Individual Project section below
Individual project presentation 20% Share individual project with the class In class on 04/27
Team 2-pg executive summary 10% Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge 02/27 (Submit through Abrams AND in Sakai)
Team 3-min video pitch 10% Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge 02/27 (Submit through Abrams AND in Sakai)
Team member evaluation 5% Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge 2/28 (Submit through Sakai)
Reflections 2.5% Beginning and end of semester reflections Final exam period
Instructor evaluation 2.5% You get the grade of the percentage of completed evaluations Final exam period

QUIZZEs [25%]

We will have a quiz at the beginning of class every Tuesday. The quiz will be on the prior week’s topics (lectures, slides, assigned materials). There will be 11 quizzes throughout the semester and the lowest one will be dropped. There will be NO make-ups for quizzes. Missed quizzes are graded zero.

The format of these may vary but will likely be approximately 10 questions with some multiple choice, some fill in the blank / short answer.

The purpose of these quizzes is two-fold: 1) They allow me to take attendance, and 2) They allow me to evaluate whether y’all are absorbing and understanding the material.

Due dates
Every Tuesday at the beginning of class.

Individual project [35% for UNDERGRADUATES; 25% for GRADUATES]

Each of you will choose a company; any business in any industry. The company doesn’t have to be doing anything particularly sustainable. You may be very involved in the business or know nothing about it. The purpose of this project is to evaluate whether you have achieved the learning outcomes of this course. In this project, you will apply the tools and guidelines we discuss throughout the semester to describe, analyze, and evaluate various functional areas of the business along the different dimensions of sustainability. This project will require you to practice investigating and collecting information; organizing, analyzing, and evaluating it; exploring problems; and offering solutions. While this is not a formal research-level project, I still expect you to cite your sources and provide references for your claims. If you have any questions on how to cite your sources, please contact Kelly Hallisy, a Loyola librarian, who can help you. 

See the corresponding (undergraduate and graduate) breakdown in the section below. This project does NOT need to be in a traditional paper format, although it can be if you prefer that. You have free reign to compile this information however you’d like. It can be in a paper, powerpoint, TikTok, infographic, Canva, Prezi, video, comic book, song, animation, whatever! There are no limitations to how you share this information, but these sections MUST be thoroughly described to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

Show me how you relate in-classroom topics to the real-world. This assignment is designed to evaluate the learning outcomes and also facilitate information gathering, communication, critical thinking, and accountability. 

This project is broken down throughout the semester to avoid having one big project at the end while all your other classes are demanding big projects and exams from you. See the percentage breakdown in the evaluation criteria above to see how much each section is worth. Make sure you look at the right column—it’s different for undergrad and grad students! Submit these sections in the appropriate folders in the “Assignments” section in Sakai.

Due dates

  • Intro due 02/09

  • Production and operation due 03/02

  • Accounting and finance due 03/16

  • Insurance and risk management due 03/23

  • Employment and human resources due 03/30

  • Sales and marketing due 04/06

  • Analysis due 04/13

  • This project is worth 35% of your total grade, which broken down as follows:

    Intro (2%) due 02/09Provide the following information:

    Name of company


    Purpose of company (mission statement)

    Describe the company, what are it’s main products / services / functions / activities / goals

    Describe why you chose this company

    Production and operation (3%) due 03/02Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the production and operation activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Accounting and finance (3%) due 03/16Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the accounting and finance activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Insurance and risk management (3%) due 03/23Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the insurance and risk management activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Employment and human resources (3%) due 03/30Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the employment and human resources activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Sales and marketing (3%) due 04/06Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the sales and marketing activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Analysis (18%) due 04/13Describe the main sustainability problems within the company. Explain if and how they can be solved. If they cannot be solved through the existing business structure, explicitly describe the barriers.

    Offer solutions and describe how they can be solved. Try to think about opportunities both within the internal organization (e.g., company policies, structures) as well as those that might be required external to the organization (e.g., public policies, regulations).

    This section is worth 18% of your grade because it will ultimately show whether you learned how to apply class topics to a business for real world implications. Dedicate some critical thinking to this section to push yourself to connect the dots. As always, cite your sources!

  • Y’all will do the same project, but you must choose a local firm. How you define local will be up to you and how you justify it. Because you are graduate students, I expect you to be more involved in collecting the information required for this project, come up with specific solutions, and detail their feasibility. Visit the business, talk with employees and consumers, take pictures and videos (only after obtaining explicit permission). This doesn’t have to be super formal; this project is not a research thesis. However, I want to see how you implement the tools and guidelines from class to interact with the business, identify specific problems, and uncover opportunities.

    This project is worth 25% of your total grade, which broken down as follows:

    Intro (2%) due 02/09Provide the following information:

    Name of company


    Purpose of company (mission statement)

    Describe the company, what are it’s main products / services / functions / activities / goals

    Describe why you chose this company

    Production and operation (2%) due 03/02Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the production and operation activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Accounting and finance (2%) due 03/16Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the accounting and finance activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Insurance and risk management (2%) due 03/23Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the insurance and risk management activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Employment and human resources (2%) due 03/30Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the employment and human resources activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Sales and marketing (2%) due 04/06Explore the economic, environmental, and social dimensions related to the sales and marketing activities in the company you chose. You must discuss each dimension to receive full credit. Don’t forget to cite your sources!

    Analysis (13%) due 04/13Describe the main sustainability problems within the company. Explain if and how they can be solved. If they cannot be solved through the existing business structure, explicitly describe the barriers.

    Offer solutions and describe how they can be solved. Try to think about opportunities both within the internal organization (e.g., company policies, structures) as well as those that might be required external to the organization (e.g., public policies, regulations).

    This section is worth 13% of your grade because it will ultimately show whether you learned how to apply class topics to a business for real world implications. Dedicate some critical thinking to this section to push yourself to connect the dots. As always, cite your sources!

    When you present your findings, you will have more time than the undergraduate students to go into how you gathered your information, the interactions you had with the company, the problems you discovered, and the solutions you propose. The purpose of this project is the same as for the undergraduate students. Unfortunately, there’s not enough time to dig deep into every company chosen. So, we will be relying on y’all to share your experiences and insights with this project to learn about how to contribute real, meaningful change within our own communities. Fun, right?!

individual project presentation [10%]

If you want to share your project through powerpoint, make a video, draw out a model, make a diorama (do y’all know what that is?), share the components through song, do a theatrical skit, whatever you choose, it’s up to you! Try and think about what your strengths are but also consider your audience. See what you can do to impress your classmates! While this is not a marketing class, marketing is a key component of business. How you present and frame information (to your coworkers, to your customers, outside of work to various people in your life) highly influences how the information is received. So, try to be creative and think about how you can share information in an interesting, compelling, and captivating way. The length of time required for this presentation may vary depending on how many students are in the class so I will let you know when things simmer down and I have a more definitive number to work with. It will likely be very short (lighting speed, only 2 min!) so you won’t be able to cram all the information you learned. Pick out the things you think are the most important so that we can get a quick snapshot of the company and what you learned.

This assignment is designed to evaluate the learning outcomes and facilitate communication, critical thinking, and accountability. While such a short amount of time can be super stressful to communicate a lot of information, developing how to judiciously share valuable information quickly is a great skill to learn! Whether you find yourself interviewing for a job, running a business, partying with friends, asking for donor dollars, hanging at home with family, or campaigning for local office, concisely relaying important information takes a lot of practice. That’s why we’re doing it in class to help you prepare for whatever future you choose!

Rubric to be determined.

Due dates
UNDERGRADUATES: Presentations will be in class on 04/18 and 04/20
GRADUATES: Presentations will be in class on 04/27

We will use a GoogleDoc for y’all to sign up for a day/time slot. If you have a conflict or would like to go on a different day/time, talk to each other to switch amongst yourselves. I don’t want to be involved!



This is an example of an outstanding country presentation by one of my previous students. This requires a lot of drawing and editing skills to make a presentation like this, so I certainly don't expect everyone to put in this amount of time and effort. However, I encourage you all to also be creative for your presentations by leveraging your skills and talents. Think outside the box and have fun!

TEAM project [10% 2-pg Executive summary + 10% 3-min video pitch + 5% team member evaluation = 25% total]

Description | Format
The Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge is held every year to bring new sustainable business ideas to life. This challenge is a high-level sustainable business pitch competition. Participating in this challenge counts as your team project. Each team must have 2-4 members and we will form these groups in class during the first week based on shared values.

Teams must first register by 02/06: Register here

Round 1 requires the following:

  • A written executive summary (no more than two pages, single-spaced) with a clear explanation of the business concept and value proposition.
    Download Executive Summary Template.

  • A 3-minute video pitch of the business concept and value proposition.
    Submission Deadline:  February 27, 2023, at midnight.


This assignment is designed to evaluate the learning outcomes and facilitate teamwork, communication, critical thinking, and accountability. This assignment is also designed to prepare you for a real-world opportunity. As someone who started and ran a medical device company before getting a PhD, I have first-hand entrepreneurial experience to share, and I enjoy helping others navigate starting their own ventures. Each team is also automatically assigned a mentor to help craft and polish your team’s idea. Getting capital is among one of the biggest barriers to starting a business so take advantage of the funding potential (up to $20,000!) of this challenge!


    • Value Creation

    • Environmental Impact

    • Innovation

    • Venture Viability

    • Financial Ask and Forecast

  • 3-min video pitch  [10%]
    The point of a video pitch is like an elevator pitch— How can you quickly grab someone’s attention with an interesting and memorable idea? The point is not to include everything from the executive summary; you already did that! Think about commercials and advertisements that effectively pulled you in and try to emulate the same strategies and techniques. Wanna use TikTok? Great! Is someone in your group good at drawing/animation? Go for it! Be creative and have fun with this! Make sure you clearly present your business concept and value proposition. Think SharkTank!
    These video pitches will be graded using the following criteria:

    • The presentation was engaging and compelling

    • Details were well presented and clear

    • Presentation was given with confidence

    • Visuals were clear and helpful

  • Team member peer evaluation  [5%]
    You will grade each other in order to practice giving and receiving criticism, and also to hold each other accountable. Rubric to be determined.

Due dates

  • Registration
    Teams must register by 02/06: Register here

  • Round 1 submission (2-pg executive summary + 3-min video pitch)
    Teams must submit their 2-page executive summary and 3-min video pitch by 02/27: Upload to both Abrams Challenge link (to be determined) and in Sakai
    You will have some time in class on 02/21 and 02/23 to work with your teams and ask questions.

  • Team member evaluation
    I have created a folder in the “Assignments” section in Sakai. You will complete a grading rubric (TBD) for EACH of your team members. Attach all team member peer evaluations and submit by 2/28.



  • Abrams Sustainable Business Challenge Award
    Up to $20,000 in prize money!

  • Class Award
    We will vote as a class which team Winner team’s choice of lunch for the last class of the semester OR will choose how else to utilize this prize (e.g., donate to a local charity, Loyola student financial aid, purchase of sustainable products/services)

Promo video

2021 highlights

Tentative Schedule

Disclaimer: This syllabus provides a general plan for the course. However, deviations may be necessary and all elements are subject to change on short notice. This schedule is subject to change at any time, but I will do my best to provide ample communication when changes occur. You are responsible for checking this website for updates.


Week 1: Introduction


In-class topics

Deliverables due

  • Intro survey (at the beginning of this page)


In-class topics

  • Abrams Challenge

  • Determine teams

Deliverables due

  • Intro survey (at the beginning of this page)



Week 2: Background, history


In-class topics

  • What is sustainable business management?

  • What is the purpose of business?

  • Shareholders vs. stakeholders

Deliverables due


In-class topics

  • Business foundations (Western and non-Western)

  • Different perspectives and priorities (de-growth)

  • In-class reflection activity

Deliverables due

01/30: Last day to withdraw without a “W” grade; Last day to withdraw from class(es) with a Bursar credit of 100%; Last day to convert from credit to audit or vice versa; Last day to request or cancel pass/no pass option



Week 3: Sustainability in business


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 2 topics

  • Sustainability dimensions

  • Wicked problems

02/01: Abrams Challenge Information Session (register here)


In-class topics

  • Economic dimension

  • Abrams team time

Deliverables due

02/06: Abrams Challenge Registration Deadline (register here)



Week 4: Sustainability in business


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 3 topics

  • Environmental dimension

  • Show and tell

  • Environmental racism / justice


In-class topics

  • Social dimension

  • ACTIVITY: Oranges

  • Implied vs explicit needs

  • Privilege walks

Deliverables due

  • Individual project Intro section due in the “Assignments” section in Sakai

02/13: Last day to withdraw from class(es) with a Bursar credit of 50%



Week 5: Structures, measurements


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 4 topics

  • Business models

  • Management leadership styles


In-class topics

  • Measurements (e.g., ESG, SASB, GRI, B corp, UN SDGs)

  • Terminologies

Deliverables due

02/20: Last day to withdraw from class(es) with a Bursar credit of 20%



Week 6: Workshop Abrams submission


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 5 topics

  • Abrams workshopping team time


In-class topics

  • Abrams workshopping team time

Deliverables due

  • 02/27: Submit Abrams Challenge Round 1 components (2-pg executive summary + 3-min video pitch) through Abrams and in the “Assignments” section in Sakai

02/27: Abrams Challenge Round 1 Submission Deadline
(2-pg executive summary + 3-min video pitch)



Week 7: Production and operation


In-class topics

  • Quiz will include a vote on the class team winner

  • Team member peer evaluation

  • Production / supply chains

Deliverables due

  • Watch all team pitches


In-class topics

  • Operations

  • Waste management

Deliverables due




03/06 - 03/11

Be safe and have fun!



Week 9: Accounting and finance


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 7 topics

  • Accounting


In-class topics

  • Finance

Deliverables due

03/16: Loyola Climate Change Conference
6:00pm-8:30pm, Damen Student Center,
Register here



Week 10: Insurance and risk management


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 9 topics

  • Insurance

3/22: Abrams finalists are notified of moving to Round 2


In-class topics

  • Risk management

Deliverables due

03/27: Last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”



Week 11: Employment and human resources


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 10 topics

  • Employment


In-class topics

  • Human resources

Deliverables due



Week 12: Sales and marketing


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 11 topics

  • Sales


In-class topics

  • Marketing

Deliverables due



Week 13: Sustainable business management


In-class topics

  • Quiz on week 12 topics

  • Internal and external activities


In-class topics

  • Individual impact within organizations

Deliverables due

  • Individual project Analysis section due by 11:59pm (Central time) in the “Assignments” section in Sakai



Week 14: Presentations


In-class topics / Deliverables due

  • Undergraduate presentations + feedback


In-class topics / Deliverables due

  • Undergraduate presentations + feedback

04/21: Abrams final pitch competition, 1:00-4:00pm, reception to follow
+2 pts on Team video pitch grade if you attend



Week 15: Where do we go from here?


In-class topics

  • Quiz on presentations

  • Critique Abrams submissions


In-class topics

  • Grad student presentations

  • In-class discussions on our own examples / challenges



Week 16: Exam week

Friday, 1:00 - 3:00pm

Deliverables due

  • Reflection response due by 3:00pm in the “Assignments” section in Sakai

  • Instructor evaluations (Your grade is based on the percentage of the class that completes the evaluations. For example, if 85% of the class completes them, your Instructor evaluation grade will be 85%)

  • I can’t provide credit for this, but please also rate me on RateMyProfessor. Your public assessment plays an indispensable role in my growth and accountability as an educator and helps students navigate instructors. I can’t improve my teaching without knowing what I’m doing wrong and what I’m doing right, so I appreciate your time and constructive comments.

Now relax, take care of yourselves, and have a wonderful summer!
It’s been a pleasure teaching you all. Reach out anytime :)